Those just work better with a joypad than M&KB.
But, you know, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, sports games in general. If I get LotR: Conquest it'll be the console version because it's basically a console beat-em-up. This collection is one of many within the family and each has been carefully curated by our cottage experts. Salcombe Holiday Homes offers high quality, good value accommodation in great locations. I got Far Cry 2/CoD 5/L4D on PC for the FPS controls, I got Dead Space on the console for the controller ambience. Salcombe Holiday Homes is part of the family. Aside from avoiding shitty ports of good games and the worst of the DRM, it will give you access to a lot more titles overall, and you can then just pick the 'best' version of a game. No excuses for lazy/shitty ports, but if you're really serious about gaming (and the fact that you have your PC hooked up to your big TV says you are), you should invest in a console. I was reading on the widescreen forum that you have to put a hack into SR2 for widescreen? For a game that was made for widescreen consoles? I'll actually rescind partially my 'motherfucking consoles' line, because this is more about greedy/lazy development, even if consoles figure a central role. DRM I can at least understand, if not agree with. These shoddy ports are the first thing that have me considering sailing to the bay. So developers poop out a shitty port and I spend more money by buying a console and the console versions (at console game premium pricing)?